
Showing posts from March, 2018


RESTART Relapse is a word often used in terms of addictions, but it also strongly applies to our pursuit of health and wellness. Relapse is an inevitable stage of behaviour change/betterment. One cannot expect to eliminate a bad habit or introduce a good one without any obstacles. For me, one of the most essential things to keep in mind while improving my health was that I would indefinitely fail, but that did not define me. With this knowledge, I was able to bounce back so much easier when I did mess up.  Relapse is unavoidable, but it provides growth, strength, and learning. Relapse is not failure and it does not erase success. If you’ve begun your health journey, know that there will be obstacles, but where there is no struggle, there is no strength. Maybe you started your journey, but slipped up somewhere, and now you cannot find the motivation to get back on top of it. Just know that it’s a normal and natural stage, and it does not mean that you are incapable. Use yo...